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Sunday, May 26, 2024
The Observer

SMC professor elected to board

Saint Mary's biology professor Richard Jensen was named president-elect of the American Society of Taxonomists, an international organization with members throughout the United States and more than 35 other countries. Jensen has been a member of the Society since 1976, and has since then served as treasurer, council member and associate editor for the society's quarterly journal, "Systemic Biology." He believes it was his interest in and willingness to work for the society that led to him being asked to run for President."I felt honored to be asked to stand for election," said Jensen. "Being elected was an additional honor, and a bit of a surprise. I approach my new responsibilities with great enthusiasm, largely because I know the people I will be working with can be counted on to work for the best of the Society." As president-elect Jensen will have many specific responsibilities, including presenting the formal address at the end-of-year meeting and appointing members to serve on various Society committees. Jensen's obligations to the American Society of Plant Taxonomists are things he does in addition to his responsibilities as a teacher, advisor and member of the College community. His involvement in the society fulfills the expectations of Saint Mary's faculty to be involved in various scholarly pursuits. Jensen said being named president-elect is one of his biggest honors, out of the many he has received. He said he is most proud of receiving the 1997 Saint Mary's College Maria Pieta Award for Outstanding Teaching. In 1996 he also received an award for Outstanding Service from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists. He was only the second person in the society to receive such an award. "I think all of us are flattered when we receive special recognition for the things we do, especially when we have not set out to earn such recognition. My teaching and scholarly work happen to be things I enjoy doing; I want to do them well because I know others are relying on me to do just that," Jensen said.