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Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024
The Observer

Dome regilding sticks to schedule

The unexpected dusting of snow that sprinkled campus last weekend did not affect the regilding of the Golden Dome, despite the procedure's heavy reliance on ideal weather, said Jim Lyphout, vice president of Business Operations.

Since the procedure takes place during the summer months in order to avoid the chance of frost, which Executive Vice President John Affleck Graves has said could potentially cause major damage to the regilding, the weekend arrival of fall-like weather prompted some to fear the worst.

But Lyphout said there was a "zero percent chance" that the Dome would not be fully gilded when the scaffolding is removed for graduation on May 15.

"We will complete the tasks on schedule," Lyphout said.

The regilding process began on March 15. Intense opposition from the senior class caused the administration to agree to partially remove the scaffolding down to the Dome's base for graduation.

Lyphout said contractors will begin removing the scaffolding on May 6 according to schedule, allowing the Dome to be fully uncovered the following week for graduation.