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Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The Observer

HALL PRESIDENTS COUNCIL: Hall Presidents Council encourages events

Notre Dame's dorm rivalries may be heated, but the presidents of the 27 dorms convene through Hall Presidents Council to discuss hall-specific events and simultaneously help each other with these events.

HPC allocates money to these signature dorm events, such as the traditional Keough Chariot Race as well as the newer Welsh Family Block Party.

The HPC is charged with planning the student component of pep rallies, but HPC Co-Chair Dan Zenker and HPC Athletics Commissioners Justin Doyle and Jack Lascowitz took on another related task this semester - dealing with the pep rally ticket distribution system, which the University changed in response to growing student demand and reports that some fans were turned away from the Michigan State pep rally.

This semester, HPC Treasurers Catherine Mulhern and T.R. Eckler revamped HPC's financial system to make the process more efficient and fair for all the dorms.

Presidents receive help in coordinating events from the HPC cabinet, a group composed of former hall presidents, chaired this year by Lindsey Ney and Zenker, both seniors.

The cabinet's goal this year is "to increase the level of awareness of each hall president regarding valuable policies and opportunities around campus and within the Hall Presidents Council," Zenker said.

This includes improving communication regarding campus events, funding opportunities, dorm events and dances, charity efforts and University guidelines.

To do this, a new resource manual was created with useful information and guidelines for the presidents.

HPC's goal for next semester, and what it hopes to continue in the future, is to find ways to improve the amount of knowledge that the presidents are given regarding their duties.

HPC also hopes to create more unity between the dorms in order to foster more joint efforts.