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Sunday, May 26, 2024
The Observer

Jockular misleading and offensive

We are disappointed in the Jockular comic strip run on April 6 and the fact that it was even published. We feel that the portrayal of Saint Mary's students is not only inaccurate, but insulting. Why would you approve a comic strip that indirectly destroys the relationship between the students of Saint Mary's and Notre Dame? For a newspaper that serves both schools, you present a rather slanted perspective of Saint Mary's students.

In particular we are offended by the reference of Saint Mary's students as "parasites," as Jockular so eloquently dubbed us. The word parasite insinuates that the relationship between Saint Mary's and Notre Dame is unhealthy and harmful to Notre Dame. We do not feel this is the case because, although Saint Mary's students may make use of available opportunities, this does not prevent Notre Dame students from doing the same. In addition, Saint Mary's offers events and programs of which Notre Dame students may take advantage.

It is not the actions of Saint Mary's students that hinder growth between the institutions, but the attitude articulated in this comic strip. The implication that Saint Mary's students care more about their room size than their education is insensitive to our feelings as well as reality. Since being founded in 1844 and 1842, both Saint Mary's and Notre Dame have prided themselves on their mutual support and collaboration as educational institutions. The students who come here expect a warm community that both welcomes and supports. How can prospective students feel invited to share in this community if they are exposed only to this biased opinion?

We propose that, instead of presenting these negative and false views of the relationship between the institutions, The Observer encourage greater community through its publications. Rather than put into question the integrity of Saint Mary's students, why not question the integrity of the views portrayed by Jockular?

Felicia Lipari and Megan WetekampstudentsSaint Mary'sApril 6