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Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The Observer

Rescind invitation

As the mother of two sons currently enrolled at Notre Dame, I am deeply saddened by the decision to have President Obama as the 2009 Commencement speaker. His blatant opposition to Catholic values disqualifies him as one who should be given such a distinction at the University. The title "President of the United States" should not fog the University's ability to make wise choices in people that they bestow such an honor. This decision is contrary to the ideals and strong Catholic identity that is Notre Dame. If President Obama is allowed to speak, Our Lady will surely shed a tear over all of Her University on graduation day. I would ask Father Jenkins to please take a stand and be a Catholic role model to all. Father Jenkins, please rescind the invitation to have President Obama speak.

Susan Montalbano

Wellesley, MA

March 23