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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Observer

Party in the USA: Party starter

 It is impossible not to feel fantastic when "Party in the U.S.A." comes on. Ignore who sings it, ignore that it's pop to an extreme (unless you're like me and genuinely enjoy a quality pop song) and just embrace it. Although Miley Cyrus might not be a college student's favorite - unless you're Viewpoint writer Brooks Smith - her song has certainly made its way into almost every dorm party, workout playlist and even The Observer office during a particularly late night of editing. I have to say, Miley's done it again.
This past weekend I visited a frat at DePauw University and, lo and behold, they had a dance to "Party in the U.S.A.," complete with camouflage and an American flag. The song has crossed even the most unlikely borders, and for good reason. How many of us have been caught in an uncomfortable or daunting situation full of strangers? It might even have happened to you when you first set foot on Notre Dame's campus. That's what Miley sings about - putting yourself out there, even though it's scary, and realizing it will all be OK. "Party in the U.S.A." is a song that calms your nerves, lets you take a deep breath and gets you excited for what is ahead.
My recommendation is to take the song and put it on repeat while running. The beat keeps your adrenaline rushing, your face smiling and your legs kicking. It sufficiently distracts you from the miles ahead, and it throws you back into the night before, reminding you of the great time you had dancing to (or mocking) it. 
You know that awkward beginning-of-party hour when people start to arrive and stand around uncomfortably because there are only five of them there? The best way to avoid that scenario is to turn on "Party in the U.S.A." It is guaranteed to relax your guests, get the laughs started and propel the party forward to the fun portion. The best part is that you can play it again later once everyone has arrived, because by that hour, the original five won't remember they've already heard it.
Unfortunately, the innocence of the song doesn't seem to reflect the real Miley Cyrus. The 16-year-old's performance of this hit at the Teen Choice Awards caused quite a bit of scandal, especially when she got up in extremely short shorts and danced around an ice cream truck pole. Here is my question: Why does her dad let her do that? Why would a parent of a 16-year-old think, "Yeah! Let's get Miley to dress like a miniature Britney and stick a pole next to her and let thousands of Disney fans and their parents see what happens! Genius!" Beats me.
The music video isn't much better. If I watch her make a pouty face and look seductively at the camera one more time while she runs her hands through her hair, I might hurl. It's just so strange and borderline creepy. I have a 16-year-old sister, and to picture someone her age dressing and dancing like Miley Cyrus … it spells trouble. I'm thinking Miley might have given Britney a shout-out in her song for a reason. 
But take my advice and don't let the song's artist distract you from the greatness that is "Party in the U.S.A." Just nod your head like yeah and move your hips like yeah, and you won't regret it. Do it for America.