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Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024
The Observer

ND Women's Swimming: Scott having breakout season for Notre Dame

Although training was the primary focus of Notre Dame's team trip to Hawaii over break, the Irish also learned much about sophomore Lauren Scott, both in the pool and out.

One of those teammates was senior captain Katie Casey, who grew closer with Scott throughout the trip and their time spent away from the pool.

"I roomed with Lauren for two weeks in Hawaii for the training trip and we laughed the entire trip," Casey said. "We both love country music and are annoying everyone with our amazing country singing. She loves quoting the YouTube video saying, ‘Ouch, Charlie,' which always makes me laugh."

Scott agreed her sense of humor was memorable.

"Swimming has enabled me to compete at very high levels, but I have learned that I remember crazy jokes or funny moments with teammates more than any personal victories," she said. "Traveling around the country with my teammates for meets comprise the best moments in my swimming career."

Pleased with her improvement throughout the two-week training trip, Scott believes the team gained momentum for the remainder of the season.

"Training trip this year was my best Notre Dame experience to date," she said. "We all trained incredibly hard, but we also had an amazing time experiencing Hawaii. I am so excited for our upcoming meets because I know our team will have an opportunity to show off all of our dedication."

Despite beginning her career in the seventh grade, Casey said the team believes the Fayetteville, Ga., native is ready for a record season.

"Lauren has been having a great year and has already had an impact on the team," Casey said. "Her energy and positive attitude has encouraged people in practice and meets and will continue to. I think Lauren is going to have a break-through year and have great swims at Big East."

Scott credited part of her success to her mental toughness.

"I think that I have always been obnoxiously confident," she said. "It may not always be the best quality, but in swimming, confidence is just as important as training hard. Swimming demands confidence because of the high levels of mental endurance it takes to withstand the rigorous training as well as the high pressure meets."

And the best part of being a successful student-athlete at Notre Dame?

"I think it is a compilation of being surrounded by 20 of your friends while also competing at the highest level in the sport that you truly love. How many people can say that they get to do that every day?" she said. "I also know that I have developed into a much better team player and leader because of my time here."

Regardless of her success in the pool, Scott is confident she will never be distanced from her friends, even following graduation.

"Every girl on the team brings in a different dynamic that helps everyone train harder at practice each day. Even once my last meet is over and I have graduated from Notre Dame, I know that my teammates will still be a very important part of my life," she said. "Being on such a small team allows me to be close with all of my teammates. And, most importantly, I know that I will always have someone to make pancakes and go sledding with at 3 a.m."