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Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The Observer

Fiestang promises coconut bikinis

I guess we can say goodbye to any vestige of moral decency around here.

Just last Tuesday, I was heading back to my dorm after waiting 20 minutes in line to get my six-inch Subway meatball marina for dinner, when I saw a group of young, good-looking Filipino men walking out of Washington Hall in nothing but — what else? — coconut bikinis. Immediately at the sight, I knew that I had been rendered incapable of enjoying any of my meatball marinara that night. If only they knew how scandalized I was.

Come to think of it, I've seen pictures of these coconut-bikini boys on posters around campus, (can SAO even approve posters that flaunt such near-nudity?), advertising a Filipino cultural dinner show this Saturday night called Fiestang.

I mean, yeah, there will be lots of cool traditional and modern Filipino dances. Yeah, the profits go to a charity in the Philippines that serves the terminally ill. Yeah, it's the one time in the year you can try delicious Filipino food at Notre Dame.

But seriously, coconut bikinis?

How can we even begin to talk about loving our neighbor, when we can't even learn to love ourselves enough as to put on a shirt?

I once thought we had morals, but I guess I was wrong.

What degenerate will be at Stepan Center this Saturday night at 5:30 p.m.?

What supporter of profligacy will buy a ticket from LaFortune Box Office for eight dollars pre-sale?

Who, devoid not just of moral decency but of any simulation of moral decency, wants to learn about other cultures and, overall, have a good time at Fiestang?

I will. Sounds like my kind of show.

Satire aside, Fiestang promises to be a fun event. Get your tickets at the LaFortune Box Office soon because they're going fast!

Michael Mercurio


Morrissey Hall

Feb. 24

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.