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Thursday, May 16, 2024
The Observer

Hell week

It's hell week. Yes, that dreaded week when EVERYTHING EVER is due. You don't sleep for days and you're convinced you've actually become the owner of a desk in the library since you're there so often. As a senior, this is just one of the many hell weeks I've been through in my four years and I'll be the first to admit I hate them. There's no better way to become a negative Nancy than sitting through multiple exams, writing countless pages of lab reports or spending days on citations for papers.

However, seeing as this is likely my last hell week and I'm obligated as a senior to be nostalgic and aware of the end of my undergraduate career, I've come to two big conclusions about hell weeks. Firstly, it is at this time that you really lean on your support system. Whether it's your mother calling your phone to make sure you're awake at 6:30 a.m. or a roommate bringing you your favorite hot beverage in the library, your support system goes into hyperdrive. The second of which is that they have little to no lasting impact — your grades don't drop, you don't usually get sick and all you need is some extra sleep.

While it's difficult to see beyond that next test, I hope you can take a bit of time to see how hell week fits in the big picture. Appreciate your family, friends and classmates, as they lift you up when you need it most. Try not to worry: it's bad for your immune system and doesn't help anything. Take a few minutes to appreciate that you could have hell week anywhere in the world, but we're lucky enough to have it at Notre Dame, in majors we love. Finally, own that hell week. It's yours for the taking.

Maureen Williams



Apr. 6

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.