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Thursday, May 16, 2024
The Observer

Democrats are in line with Catholic faith

Mr. Diamond,

I am writing today in response to your risibly critical Letter to the Editor ("Holy Votes reponse," April 20) in which you call into question Rosato's argumentation. Although your knowledge of Catholic doctrine is impressive and your recall astounding, your knowledge of the Democratic platform (or lack thereof) is frightening. You also say that, as Catholics, we cannot in good conscience vote for a political candidate that supports abortion, or does not respect the tenants of Catholic doctrine. You have missed the point of Rosato's arguments. In the lack of a candidate that fully supports Catholic doctrine, we must choose the candidate that is best is in keeping with doctrine.

You call the Democrats a political party that promotes a "Culture of Death." This is frighteningly strong language, especially given the Republican stance on capital punishment. The truth of today's political realm is that there is no candidate that is in perfect keeping with Catholic doctrine. Rosato is advocating that in light of this political world, we do not allow ourselves to become single-issue voters and decide which party is most in line with our faith. Also, I would strongly suggest for you to read the Democratic Party Platform that you so harshly dub a "Culture of Death."

Please allow me to enumerate some things that you will find in the 2008 Democratic Platform. All of these things come before the section in which they explain their the pro-choice stance on page 52 of 59 (a stance that also supports income support and caring adoption promotion for those that choose to carry their children to term). They are as follows: affordable health care for all Americans, ending HIV/AIDS around the world, ending poverty, gender equality, education for all children, ending the war in Iraq, ending the spread of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear disarmament, promoting global health, ending human trafficking, preventing and responding to future natural disasters and promoting the family. Does this seem like a "Culture of Death?" When a party devotes only one paragraph to a woman's right to choose out of fifty-nine pages, can you really call it "manifestly pro-abortion?" No sir, you cannot. I wholeheartedly agree with Rosato. I stand proudly as a Catholic, pro-life Democrat and have no qualms about it.

Drew Davis


Sorin College

April 20 

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.