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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Observer

Welcome home, Belles

The moment every Saint Mary’s Belle anxiously awaits all summer has arrived — driving down the Avenue to move back to school. This moment means reunions with friends you haven’t seen all summer, classes with your favorite professors for another semester, dining hall brunches that take up half of your day and involvement in your favorite campus activities. The first drive down the Avenue holds many meanings to Belles, but for every Belle it means “I’m home.” So, I am taking this moment to say welcome home, Belles! First years, welcome to your home for the next four years. Welcome to countless memories with friends, challenging classes and our community. Please know Belles have each other’s backs no matter the circumstances. Hopefully we, the seniors, will exemplify this to you and you will continue this tradition. I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Never be afraid to ask questions. You are joining a community far bigger than yourself. A community of widespread, strong, caring and accomplished women. In the blink of an eye, you’ll be driving down the Avenue to move in one last time. Sophomores, welcome back. You may think you have this whole college thing figured out, but I found my sophomore transition to be harder than freshman year. Lean on your current friends and make new ones. Many of your friends, maybe even you, will be going abroad. Seize this opportunity — whether you’re at SMC or in another country — to meet more of your classmates and take on adventures. Sophomore year can be emotional and you may start to wonder about what is best for you, but it ends up being a ton of fun. Juniors, it’s time to dive in deep. Invest in your classes, friends and activities. This is your third trip down the Avenue and things may be getting harder, but embrace the challenge and take it on with your SMC team. Some of you may have been gone last semester, so cherish all that you missed and SMC has to offer. Seniors, welcome home one last time. It’s time to make this the best year yet. Seize every opportunity. Enjoy one another's company. Apply for jobs, grad school or any other opportunity that may come your way. Take chances. Make connections. Stay up too late. Cherish this last year. Remember these are the "best four years of your life" and they are almost over. Let's count on one another. Encourage one another and pick each other up when one of us falls. It's time to take on one more year. This year we leave a legacy and that legacy is up to us. We are all on the journey of a lifetime at Saint Mary’s. Each of us will leave this place more accomplished, well-rounded and faithful than when we entered. I challenge each Belle to help build a community of joy, support and faith this year. And if you ever find yourself having a hard day don’t forget a walk down the Avenue will always lead you home.

Madeleine Corcoran

student body president

Saint Mary's

Aug. 15

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.