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Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024
The Observer

Editor-in-Chief names incoming Editorial Board

Seven new and two returning department heads will complete The Observer’s 2023-2024 Editorial Board, incoming Editor-in-Chief Maggie Eastland announced Sunday.

The nine editors will join Eastland as well as incoming Managing Editor Ryan Peters and Assistant Managing Editors Gabrielle Beechert, Hannah Hebda and José Sánchez Córdovain directing the editorial responsibilities of the paper.

Juniors Sofia CrimiVaroli, Anna Falk, Meghan Lange, Claire Lyons, Angela Mathew, Andrew McGuinness and Christina Sayut and sophomoresEmma Duffy and Isa Sheikhwill lead their respective departments beginningMarch 19.

CrimiVaroli will be taking on the role of Photo Editor. Originally from New York, she is an architecture student with a furniture design concentration in her fourth year of study. In her three years with The Observer, she has covered games and tournaments in almost every sport, including soccer, basketball, boxing and fencing across the tri-campus community. Previously holding the position of Assistant Photo Editor, she has trained many other photographers in the photo department. 

Duffy will take over as Social Media Editor. While she is from Long Island, New York, she calls Ryan Hall home at Notre Dame. She is majoring in political science with minors in Journalism, Ethics & Democracy, constitutional studies and Italian. At The Observer, she has served as newsletter manager and covered various news stories. 

Falk, a resident of Pasquerilla East Hall hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio, will take over the role of Scene Editor. She has remained a dedicated writer for Scene over the past two years, focusing much of her creative energy on music and movies. Falk is a junior majoring in neuroscience with minors in French and linguistics. 

Lange, a junior at Saint Mary’s College, will continue her work as the Saint Mary’s News Editor. Originally from Chicago, she is a dual humanistic studies and communication studies major with minors in public relations and advertising from Saint Mary’s and constitutional studies from Notre Dame. Lange has been writing for Saint Mary’s news department since she was a first-year. This year, she also began working in The Observer’s photo department, covering the sports of the tri-campus community. In her second term as Saint Mary’s News Editor, she hopes to continue the growth of the department.

Lyons will serve as Viewpoint Editor for the upcoming term. Originally from the rolling plains of Fort Worth, Texas, she is currently a junior residing in Pasquerilla East Hall. With majors in political science and English, she has been working for The Observer for two years. During that time, she was a writer for the News and Scene departments and Interim and Associate Scene Editor, covering lectures, off-campus concerts and the latest pop culture phenomena.

Mathew, a junior studying political science with minors in Journalism, Ethics & Democracy and philosophy, politics and economics (PPE), will continue in her role as Manager of Talent & Inclusion. She aims to make The Observer more representative of the tri-campus community and has written about subjects like the Columbus murals in the Main Building, the South Asia Research Group and world cinema. Originally from Mumbai, India, Mathew lives in Pasquerilla West Hall on campus.

McGuinness, a junior in Siegfried Hall from Haddonfield, New Jersey, will be taking the role of Sports Editor. McGuinness is majoring in film, television and theatre with a minor in sport, media and culture. He has been at the forefront of The Observer’s hockey and baseball coverage, with experience writing about numerous Notre Dame and professional sports teams over his three years at the paper. He previously served as an associate sports editor in the 2022-2023 term.

Sayut, a junior living in Lyons Hall and from Melbourne, Florida, will serve as the Graphics Editor. She is a design student with a minor in studio art and musical theatre. Since she started working with The Observer last year, she has enjoyed getting to know the other departments and is excited to continue working with The Observer for the upcoming term.

Sheikh will serve as Notre Dame News Editor. A sophomore in Stanford Hall studying history and political science with minors in Asian studies and Journalism, Ethics & Democracy, he originally hails from Sacramento, California. In his time as an associate news editor and news writer, he has covered everything from international events to changing University policies. He will study abroad at Trinity College, Dublin in the fall.