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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Observer

A self-care realization

Our society tends to live in this notion that views taking self-care days as lazy. Spent an extra 20 minutes in bed? Decided to skip going out so you could watch a movie instead? Said no to an extra commitment because you needed to catch-up on sleep? Oh, you were just being lazy. Or at least that’s what society often tries to tell us. 

I challenge that stereotypical notion. I believe that self-care days are crucial for our well-being. In a world that never stops, we all deserve to take a break, to relax, doing what we enjoy without any outside distractions. Everyone has different self-care methods that work best for them. One of my favorite ways to practice self-care is by doing skincare. This is something that is so simple and takes very little time, but it allows you to take a moment to pause and reflect. Skincare has become a staple in my day-to-day routine.

While on spring break with one of my best friends, Grace, we decided to checkout a nearby Sephora. What vacation is complete without a trip to Sephora? If you ask us, it isn’t a true vacation unless you’ve stepped into one (J.K. But not really).

When we went into Sephora, Grace mentioned that she wanted to try some new skincare products. After consulting with one of the Sephora workers, we were introduced to the app Yuka, an app that rates food and skincare products based on their ingredients. We were shocked to find out that some of the skincare products we had been using from well-known brands that we had believed to be reputable were actually terrible for our skin. Lots of these brands that we discovered were bad had claimed to be clean brands when, in reality, they weren’t. A lot of the brands that we realized were bad for us contained preservatives, like phenoxyethanol, which acts as an irritant and can have serious effects on hormones and fertility. 

We were desperate to find a new skincare brand that was safe to use and addressed our needs. Through Yuka and the Sephora consultant, we were introduced to the brand Caudalie. Caudalie is a skincare brand that originated in France. And, it was the only brand on the app that received perfect scores for having natural, clean products. Its creator, Mathilde Thomas, was extremely dedicated to creating a skincare brand that addressed people’s skincare needs and was suitable for celebrities and everyday people, like myself. Thomas even wrote a book that offers beauty tips and advice, called “The French Beauty Solution.” Caudalie has even partnered with people, such as David Sinclair, a professor at Harvard Medical School, to create products like Premier Cru, an anti-aging serum.

Not only does Caudalie remain dedicated to creating products that are clean and natural, but they also have taken measures to preserve planet health. All of their packaging is recyclable. They also started a project to collect plastic from the ocean, and they also donate 1% of their global sales to reforestation products. All in all, Grace and I couldn’t feel better about using Caudalie in our daily self-care routine, and we feel good knowing that we are using a brand that is good for our skin and the planet. Some of our favorite products include the grape water spray, the gel moisterizurer, the milk cleanser and the moisturizing mask.

So, whatever self-care looks like to you, whether it is five minutes, a few hours or an entire day, don’t forget to make yourself a priority and implement it into your daily routine.

Isabelle Kause is a sophomore at Notre Dame studying sociology and minoring in journalism. When she’s not busy, you can find her listening to country music or Taylor Swift or trying out new makeup/skincare products. She can be reached at

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.