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Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024
The Observer


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Both sides now


Claire navigates uncertainty about graduation with the wisdom of Joni Mitchell.


Embracing the unexpected


"I’ve learned and relearned over my four years at Notre Dame that even the things that seem permanent can change within a week or two."

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Home is where the heart is


"Thinking of leaving a place as special as Notre Dame makes me feel prematurely homesick. What I’ve realized, though, is that my family here on campus is just like my family at home."


Irish goodbye


“If drunken Johnny can leave a bouquet for graduation, maybe I, too, can say goodbye and leave a few flowers for those people who have made the last four years lovely.” 

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A home under South Dining Hall


“Then all of a sudden I see an opening for a graphic designer. I thought to myself, “Why not? The worst thing is that they could ignore your application again!” And so, I sent one in.”

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Palestine, non-violent protests and college campus activism


Pro-Palestine encampments on college campuses are being met with police violence, assault and arrests of students. This effective contestation of mainstream political discourse on the Israel-Palestine conflict has encouraged a more contextually nuanced understanding of the issue in the West.


Not being afraid to 'eff it up'


Everyone knows the first rule of improvisational comedy, but the second is just as important, Joy Agwu writes in her final column.