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Monday, May 13, 2024
The Observer

One of those days

Yesterday was one of those days. You know, the kind of day where you wake up and from the instant your feet hit the floor, it's a continual downward spiral. I spent the morning in classes, the afternoon teaching English to students at Penn High School and the evening on the phone doing interviews for my internship. In the midst of all this, I found out that, alas, my roommates and I did not receive an on-campus apartment for next year. Twenty seconds after that, I got in a fight with my mom. And when I returned after my night class, I was asked to write this column. Not even my yoga class would help subside the stress right now. Yesterday, the glass was half empty. So folks, you're going to have to bear with me. I don't mean to complain, honestly. This semester is teaching me that, yes, in fact, it is possible to juggle 18 credit hours, an internship, extra-curricular activities and a social life, however pathetic it may be. Most of my time spent doing these activities is during the hours when I should be sleeping, but nevertheless, they all get finished.In addition to everything else, this whole Valentine's Day thing is weighing heavily on me. I never liked Valentine's Day when I had a significant other, so I'm surely not going to start liking it now that I'm living the single life. With the cancellation of Saint Mary's All School Formal, basically any chance of romance this month has gone out the window. Most likely, this month will include watching a lot of Lifetime original movies with my roommates. February is already turning into a hurdle I have to jump over in order to get to Spring Break, and I hate to wish away time like that. Yesterday was one of those days where you say, "It can't get any worse." And then 30 minutes later, something else goes wrong. After today, that phrase is stricken from my vocabulary. It's like karma is trying to pull one more over on you before the day is out. I'm a big believer in the idea that things happen for a reason. Whatever the reason for my bad day yesterday, it's going to have to get better from here. Maybe I'll get lucky today and have time for a nap. Maybe there won't be any snow on my car when I try to leave campus. And if I'm really lucky, maybe today will be ravioli day at the Noble Family Dining Hall. If not, there's always tomorrow.

The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer. Contact Angela Saoud at