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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

This could get awkward

I don't remember what I was doing on May 5 last year, but somehow I managed to miss National Make Out Day. Never having heard of such a holiday, I was surprised as I scrolled down my Facebook newsfeed the other day to see that 25 or so of my friends plan on attending this event.

Since I haven't been invited yet (my fingers are still crossed), I clicked to find out where I could go to crash the party. Apparently, it is taking place everywhere in the world from midnight on May 5 to noon on May 6, with a break from 2 to 9 in the morning for most participants at Notre Dame, of course.

Personally, this holiday could not come at a better time. I have just recovered from mono, which gives me lifelong immunity to the disease. Also, I will be fleeing the country next semester, which could help prevent awkward situations. However, I can't help but think that National Make Out Day might be a scam created to spread diseases and encourage Notre Dame's infamous hook-up culture. Wait, never mind, I was just on the phone with my mom.

But then again, is making-out really that dangerous? Aren't we in college to experience new things and learn from our mistakes? After all, we're only going to get older and wiser ... hopefully. Maybe someone will meet their future spouse on May 5 or at the very least walk away with some fond memories of when they were young, stupid and unattached. If you happen to be attached, this could be great holiday to spend with your significant other, because they will find out if you "celebrate" it with someone else. If you're newly single take this as an opportunity to return to the dating scene with thousands of willing participants, but remember that you will have to live with the consequences of your choices, and the pictures that your friends will show you the next day.

For the 147,501 people who have already RSVP'd for the event, I have some advice. Since this holiday coincides with the more popular Cinco de Mayo, remember to brush your teeth or pop an Altoid after you enjoy some burritos, enchiladas or those delicious South Dining Hall churros. Also, just because you are anxious to celebrate the holiday doesn't mean everyone else will share your enthusiasm. Already over 30,000 people have declined their invitations. Some more tips would be to check a prospective partner for wedding or engagement rings and symptoms of mono, both of which could lead to a trip to Health Services.

Well, I think I need to go spread the news that National Make Out Day is not for a few more weeks, especially to the couple on the couch across from me right now in Lafun.