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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

Lighten up

This letter is regarding Robert Scully's Nov. 12 Letter to the Editor ("Offensive comics are back"), which was a response to the Nov. 10 edition of "The Dome Piece." How unintelligent does it make one if he doesn't realize that his intelligence is being insulted? I frankly enjoyed this particular issue of the Dome Piece very much, even to the point that I, God forbid, laughed at a joke about an erection. Far from insulting the readers' intelligence, I found it was an ironically self-aware and palatably mild jab at the obvious Quinn fan-boy mentality that so dominates the current Notre Dame communal psyche. Do we really take ourselves so seriously that we're unable to recognize those foibles that make us uniquely Notre Dame? Are we really that uncomfortable with ourselves that a mention of something sexual - that a mention of an erection - makes a joke juvenile and not worth reading? I laud Cavadini and his attempt to make us take ourselves a little less seriously. Scully, if you want unfunny comics and visual stimulation, I recommend going and reading Family Circus in the Snite. I'll be laughing with everyone else at The Dome Piece.

Michael Mesterharmsenior off-campus Nov. 12