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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

F My Life

Have you ever passed a building, saw someone inside and laughed because the person is fat and ugly before realizing you are looking at your reflection? I haven't. But anyone who is a frequent visitor to the Web site 'F my life' would know that someone has had that unfortunate experience.

There are only so many ways to procrastinate doing homework. Facebook and Perez Hilton run out of new stories and photos after awhile and Postsecret is only updated once a week. As a result, F my life is my newly discovered procrastination tool.

On the site, anyone can post sad truths about their own lives, always signing off with FML. Feeling sad, stressed or overworked? F my life is the perfect solution to feeling better because most people can read the numerous posts and think 'at least my life doesn't suck that much' over and over again.

I was referred to this site by a couple of my friends, and we get a (somewhat misplaced) sense of satisfaction from laughing at the sad problems of these people.

The doomed feeling that is a result of an unfinished paper due in 12 hours can be counteracted completely by reading about the woman who received a text from her boyfriend of two years that stated, "Don't worry I'm gonna break up with her soon. Love you."

The disappointment that follows not getting that perfect summer internship also can be solved this way:

"Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward." I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy of her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML."

It works for pretty much any minor problem or stressor in life. Some may criticize this form of de-stressing. It can be misconstrued as slightly obnoxious to laugh at other people's crappy lives in order to feel better about your own life. It does not really solve the problem of the unfinished paper or unemployment for the summer. This begs the question, can that sort of thing actually make you feel better?

The answer is a resounding yes. It really does work. Although there are a few posts that are truly pathetic, most are posted in good humor, and they allow you to enjoy a good self-satisfied laugh before moving on with the day.

So, take my advice, and visit Most likely, whatever chemistry test is looming won't look so bad after you have compared your own life to the lives of the people that post on this site.