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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Observer

Saint Mary's student government in brief

Residence Hall Association plans events

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) works to strengthen students' ties to each residence hall.

"Our biggest goal this year is establishing a close relationship with the Resident Advisors, the hall councils and the building staff [of each residence hall]," senior and RHA president Marianne Jones said.

One way they are doing this is through the hall improvement request form which students can access through RHA's new website.

This form offers students the opportunity to give feedback about the residence halls, Jones said.

RHA sponsored cooking in the halls, an event specific to each residence hall in which a cook visited the kitchens of each hall and cooked with students.

The RHA has also helped plan Bellakazam — a Harry Potter-themed activities night — and an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party on Dec. 9.

RHA also participates in several service projects.

The group is in the process of revising its constitution. The last time it was revised was in 2004.

Next semester, RHA will host the all-school formal and Little Sibs weekend.


Student Diversity Board prepares DSLC

Saint Mary's Student Diversity Board's (SDB) main goal is to increase discussion at the College by hosting events and guest speakers throughout the year.

Most recently, the group held a hunger banquet at Saint Mary's, which allowed students to donate a meal swipe to help raise money to provide food to underprivileged people throughout the world.

Kelly Reidenbach, vice president of SDB, told The Observer earlier this year that the Board strives to fulfill one of its main purposes with the event.

"The Hunger Banquet is a great way to provide an opportunity for open discussion as well as an opportunity to educate students and community members and bring awareness of an issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide," Reidenbach said in a Nov. 14 article.

SDB's biggest annual event is the Diverse Student Leadership Conference (DSLC) that is always held during the spring semester. In the past, it has been a weeklong event that brings several different speakers to campus.

The fifth annual DSLC will be held from March 29-31 on Saint Mary's campus.


SAC focuses on academic intiatives


During its monthly meetings this semester, the Student Academic Council (SAC) has focused on academic-related concerns that affect students, SAC president Laura Smith said.


In addition to its annual "Majors of the Week" activities designed to showcase different academic disciplines, the Student Academic Council is joining forces with the Career Crossings Office to plan a "Choosing your Major Night" directed toward both first year and sophomore students. Due to decreasing attendance in past years, the Council hopes to increase attendance, Smith said.

The Council sponsors an annual Women Honoring Women dinner, which gives students the opportunity to recognize women on campus — administrators, faculty and staff — that are influential and inspirational. The dinner is planned for March 8.


Smith said she has high hopes for this year's Student Academic Council.

"My own goal for SAC is to really motivate and challenge the student representatives to think outside the box, and to really reflect on ways that we can have a positive influence on the academic lives of students," she said.


Board of Trustees hears new curriculum

The Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing body for Saint Mary's College, and meets four times a year to make decisions about the internal structure of the College, Susan Dampeer, executive assistant to the president, said.


In addition, they help maintain the upkeep of the college, and tend to the needs of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, she said.


According to Dampeer, this year's Board accepted 10 new members and met once during the fall semester. The chair of the Board is Mary Burke, a 1985 alumna.


Emma Hoffman, the student trustee member, said the board will meet again in February.

As a student trustee member, Hoffman has full voting rights on the issues and proposals of the Board.


"I present the voice of the students," Hoffman said.


This semester, the Board has listened to many reports and presentations.


"They heard a presentation on the new general education curriculum at Saint Mary's," Dampeer said.


The Board also met with the Moreau Presidential Scholars for a luncheon and will meet twice next semester.


Board of Trustees hears new curriculum

The Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing body for Saint Mary's College, and meets four times a year to make decisions about the internal structure of the College, Susan Dampeer, executive assistant to the president, said.


In addition, they help maintain the upkeep of the college, and tend to the needs of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, she said.


According to Dampeer, this year's Board accepted 10 new members and met once during the fall semester. The chair of the Board is Mary Burke, a 1985 alumna.


Emma Hoffman, the student trustee member, said the board will meet again in February.

As a student trustee member, Hoffman has full voting rights on the issues and proposals of the Board.


"I present the voice of the students," Hoffman said.


This semester, the Board has listened to many reports and presentations.


"They heard a presentation on the new general education curriculum at Saint Mary's," Dampeer said.


The Board also met with the Moreau Presidential Scholars for a luncheon and will meet twice next semester.