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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

Postings at SMC

To whom it may concern:

This letter is in response to particular fliers, hanging in Regina Hall and which were reportedly posted by Feminists United.

The fliers in question present a particular political viewpoint in a pugilistic manner; namely, they attack specific members of an opposing political party by means of presenting quotes from the individuals under attack without proper context or citation. Furthermore, the fliers then proceed to give overly-simplistic interpretations of the candidates' political views or platforms. This propaganda is neither helpful, respectful nor even in keeping with the goals of free speech at Saint Mary's. As a Catholic institution of higher learning, Saint Mary's has a responsibility to defend every individual's right to express his or her viewpoint in a manner consistent with the College's mission of charitable, open-minded, constructive debate, which should facilitate an enrichment of all parties' understanding of the issue at hand. There is no place at Saint Mary's for discriminatory, passive-aggressive propaganda, which only serves to vent a particular group or individual's perspective without allowing for any kind of open exchange of ideas between intelligent individuals.

I am not writing in order to defend a particular political party, ideology, or perspective beyond my own desire for a more mature and thoughtful discussion of political issues, rather than a flier campaign which violates the principle of "caritas in veritate" - charity in truth - which, I hope, remains a fundamental part of the Saint Mary's approach to the search for knowledge through questioning.

Rebekah Wielgos

St. Mary's

April 11

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.