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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

Last-minute Costume Ideas

So you want to get in the Halloween spirit, but don't want to do any real work or spend any money? Easy. There are plenty of costumes you can make in which laziness it part of their charm.

Secret Service Agent

 It's time to take that suit out of your closet and use it for something other than interviews. Put an earbud in one ear and talk into your wrist. Make sure to keep people away from any presidents walking around, especially those ninjas.

50 Shades of Grey

If you have a plethora of grey clothes lying around, this one might be for you. You might need to explain yourself once or twice, but if you brought some handcuffs along, the costume would be complete. We won't question where you got those handcuffs.

Greek God/Goddess

This is a great way to recycle that bed sheet you used from the last toga party you went to. If you're a goddess, put on some flashy jewelry to complete the look. If you want to be the almighty Zeus, find some cardboard lying around and cut it into the shape of a lightning bolt. Facial hair is not required, but highly encouraged. If for some reason you have a trident in your room, Poseidon is also an option.

Miss America

If you have a beautiful gown in your closet and are willing to brave the elements in heels (this might be a very hard task), then all you need is the sash and a crown. If you're really daring, you could try to compete in the swimsuit part of the competition. Remember to limit your "ums" and "likes" when speaking.

Psy in "Gangnam Style"

He wore so many different outfits, so you can take your pick. The easiest one would be to obtain dark sunglasses, a dark suit with a black shirt and an untied white bowtie. If you can't obtain a bowtie, cut out some paper in the shape of a bow tie. Dance moves are optional, but highly encouraged.

Wear your SYR costume

You don't really have any other reason to dress as a cowboy, pirate or charioteer, nor will you have the opportunity to dress as a Catholic school kid, Kentucky Derby fan or '70s disco diva anytime soon. Support sustainability and recycle those outfits.

Toilet paper mummy

Be sure to use lots of tape. And have a back-up jacket for when your costume blows away. After all, we are in the midst of hurricane season

House, M.D

Throw on a jacket over a T-shirt and jeans, use a broomstick as a cane and pop pills from a prescription bottle full of Tic-Tacs


Girls, wear a less-classy version of what you were going to wear out, with a lot of glitter and all the gaudy accessories you can manage. 


Write "LIFE" on a shirt or hat, and hand out lemons all night. The dining hall might only have limes, so paint them yellow if you don't want to leave campus.

The Black Eyed Peas

Write a "P" on your shirt and paint one of your eyes black. This costume works best in groups of at least two.

Cereal killer

Tape empty cereal boxes to yourself and splatter red paint on them. Attach butter knives or forks for an extra effect.