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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Observer

SMC backs sustainability

Junior Bri O’Brien, co-chair for sustainability at Saint Mary’s College, gave a presentation on sustainable consumerism Friday as part of the Justice Fridays lecture series.

O’Brien, who won the Dooley Grant for Justice Education this year, is conducting an independent study with philosophy professor Adrienne Lyles-Chockley on sustainable education. She said she wants to encourage student involvement in sustainability events on campus.

“We are killing the world faster than we can fix it,” she said.

Juniors Meredith Mersits and Molly Smith, fellow grant recipients, also attended the event.

“There are obviously dumb ways to sho,  so buying the unsustainable is one of these ways,” Mersits said.

Showing a documentary about the creation of chocolate, O’Brien unmasked the “ugly truth” of the unsustainable practices used in the creation of some of American's favorite foods. She discussed child labor and unsustainable means of extracting energy.

“Even though these appear good, they are not," O'Brien said. "These items are given to us in unethical methods."

O'Brien said the commitment to saving the planet involves every aspect of the College.

“Establishing strong relations between our campus and sustainable efforts, it is extremely important to get everyone involved from the administration to alumnae and student body,” she said.

Following the presentation, O'Brien opened the floor to small group discussion.

“'The Cove' is a documentary that shows unsustainable practices in Japan," senior Jessica Richmond said. "You all should look into it and learn about the unsustainable crimes in Japan.”

Smith stressed the goal of the need for a student movement toward sustainability.

“We wanted to work to connect the student body to sustainable approaches,” she said.