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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Observer


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Elon Musk stands against authoritarianism in Brazil


Brazilian columnist Lara Novaes Victor explores Elon Musk’s feud with Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes and highlights the threat to freedom of speech and democracy in Brazil, revealing the complicity of some elected officials and the dangers of unchecked power.


In defense of PDA


PDA isn’t problem — it’s a solution to a simultaneously puritanical and perverse culture.


Hope in the midst of despair: Lessons from Kroc speaker Sa’ed Atshan


The 2024 Notre Dame Student Peace Conference keynote address was given by the queer Quaker Palestinian scholar Dr. Sa'ed Atshan who grappled with his intersectional identity while tracing his personal experiences through lessons he has learned in maintaining hope in the pursuit of social change as the world appears to be burning up around us.


The masculine urge to...


This article addresses how we are naturally and radically drawn to that which is true, good, and beautiful.


Birthday blues


Birthdays causes tears for sensitive people, especially when one is fearful of getting older.

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Is it over for me?


Reflecting on universal experiences of helplessness and learning that, sometimes, the best course of action is to do nothing.


We beat the odds, Becca


SMC news editor Aynslee Dellacca reflects how her and her childhood best friend "beat the odds" by staying friends throughout their first year of college.


The tip of the iceberg


Notre Dame professor emeritus of American studies Benedict Giamo argues that broad-based policy reforms are needed to confront a major homelessness problem in America.


LinkedIn is evil and so are we


If we permit this system to proceed without friction, if we stand by and willingly redefine ourselves into one of the many boxes we have been told we should fall into, if we contribute to the destruction of the human spirit, how is it that we can be anything but evil? 

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Fisher's final farewell


As the final semester of Fisher Hall comes to a close, Viewpoint columnist Jack Sirianni reflects on the dorm's 70-plus years of tradition and community.